How do I become a driver at TIWU?
To become a driver, you must register as Register driver. As drivers have a higher responsibility, you have to identify yourself when registering. Drivers must also know and observe the rules. In order to make payments to the driver, the account details must be entered. After verification by the TIWU team the driver functions will be activated. After registration the process takes up to 24 hours.
Where are my credit card details stored?
As payment interface between the credit cards and TIWU, Stripe is used. Stripe is an interface that stores the user's card details with the service provider of TIWU. As the core business of TIWU does not deal with credit cards, this is left to the professionals and therefore these are deposited with Stripe.
When do I get paid as a driver?
Withdrawals are made every Monday morning. It may well be several days before you receive your money. The wire transfer process varies from bank to bank.
Does the driver have the right to watch my shipment?
Since the driver is in possession of the package at delivery time, he takes full responsibility. The driver is responsible for the transport of any unlawful items. Therefore, the driver has the right to know what he is transporting. In case of objects that are against the rules of TIWU or the law, the driver has the right to stop the delivery and report the sender to TIWU.
The driver/sender permanently cancels deliveries
In this case, the driver/sender should be reported. A check will be made to determine if he should be excluded.
I haven't received my money yet?
Payment will be made before the event. The transaction may not be complete. It is also possible that it may take several days before you receive your money. The transfer varies from bank to bank. If the withdrawal does not happen the same day as usual, you should contact us.
I haven't received an activation email?
Check the junk folder. If the email is not in the junk folder, then log in to TIWU again and request another activation email. However, if you have already done so several times, contact TIWU.
Can I send/drive cross-country?
Due to the complexity of customs clearance and the responsibility of the driver, TIWU does not provide the service to drive/send cross-country.
The driver damaged/stolen my shipment. What to do?
In the event of damage or stolen goods, the driver must report this immediately with the correct reason and description. After checking the report, personal details will be provided to the sender. With this information, the sender can decide whether to go to the police. TIWU is not obliged to trigger reports. TIWU is only a service provider to connect the driver and the station.
I can't log in. Why?
There could be several reasons for this. Either the user has not been activated (via the activation email), the user has been blocked (violation of the rules/law), the user has been deleted (on request) or there is no connection to the server. It is also possible that you have forgotten your password. In this case you can do the following: Go to the mobile application and then click on "Forgot password" in the login screen. You will receive an e-mail with a link where you can set a new password. If this did not work either, you can contact us.
How can I delete my user?
To successfully delete a user, no shipments/trips must be open. Only after all orders have been completed/cancelled can a request be made to delete the user. First the user will be deactivated for 7 days to still have a time frame to receive messages if the rules have been violated. If nothing is reported after that, the user is completely deleted from the system. Read carefully the page with the information regarding the Delete a user.
The location of my shipment cannot be determined, why?
There are many reasons why the location cannot be determined. To prevent the driver from being permanently tracked at every turn, TIWU supports a location request only every 5 minutes.
However, if no location can be transmitted at all, this may be for the following reasons:
- It has already been queried and cannot be displayed, so it would be wise to wait 5 minutes for the first time and try again.
- The driver has no reception/internet connection, so there is no connection to the server at all.
- The driver has turned off his GPS. Since the driver is not obliged to share his location (this counts as an additional feature), this is not a breach of the rules.
However, if no location can be transmitted at all, this may be for the following reasons:
- It has already been queried and cannot be displayed, so it would be wise to wait 5 minutes for the first time and try again.
- The driver has no reception/internet connection, so there is no connection to the server at all.
- The driver has turned off his GPS. Since the driver is not obliged to share his location (this counts as an additional feature), this is not a breach of the rules.
My shipment was damaged/contaminated
The person responsible for the damage/pollution will take full responsibility. See Rules.
Who's in charge and when?
As long as the shipment has not been handed over to the driver, the sender has complete responsibility for the goods. After the goods have been handed over to the driver, he also hands over the responsibility. Only when the goods have been delivered does the recipient assume responsibility for the goods. It could also be that there is no person at the destination to receive the goods (this must be arranged in advance). Then the driver can (by arrangement) put the goods e.g. in front of the door. In this case, the sender takes over the responsibility for the goods again after delivery. The sender is responsible that a receiver is available to receive the goods from the driver. If he is not able to do so, he therefore takes over the responsibility of the delivered goods.
Is there any way I can get my shipment confirmed?
Currently there is no such feature offered where the receiver can digitally confirm that the goods have been received. Since the drivers are registered with TIWU with additional information, there is a small risk of theft. Even if the goods were to be stolen, you can contact TIWU and they would hand over further data after appropriate investigation. In a later version of TIWU, a feature is planned, which will make it possible to confirm the delivery.
The receiver is not there although someone is supposed to receive the goods.
In this case the sender must be contacted. The phone number of the sender can be found in his profile. This is an exceptional case and the sender is obliged to have someone at the destination to pick up the goods.
After the contact is made, both parties must agree, for example, whether the goods may be placed in front of the door or whether the receiver will be home in 2 minutes and the driver should wait a short time,...
If you could not make a reasonable arrangement, the driver has three options.
- He waits for the receiver and hands over the goods to him and thus the responsibility for them.
- He will bring the shipment back later if a receiver is available. The driver has 24 hours to do this.
- He brings the goods back to the sender to get rid of responsibility for the goods and reports it to TIWU.
With all these options, the sender should definitely be reported.
After the contact is made, both parties must agree, for example, whether the goods may be placed in front of the door or whether the receiver will be home in 2 minutes and the driver should wait a short time,...
If you could not make a reasonable arrangement, the driver has three options.
- He waits for the receiver and hands over the goods to him and thus the responsibility for them.
- He will bring the shipment back later if a receiver is available. The driver has 24 hours to do this.
- He brings the goods back to the sender to get rid of responsibility for the goods and reports it to TIWU.
With all these options, the sender should definitely be reported.
May more than one item be declared as one shipment?
Yes, provided the total weight and size are declared correctly.
Does the driver have to pick up an assigned shipment, or do I have to bring it by?
Depends on how the shipment was assigned. If the driver voluntarily assigns your shipment to him, he is obliged to pick it up. However, if your shipment is assigned to an already planned trip, you must bring it to the driver at the starting point before the start time. In this case, you are also obliged to be able to organise a receiver who will receive the shipment at the destination.
Can driver/shipper be rated?
No. You do not want to highlight any senders or drivers by rating them. The aim of the service is the delivery itself. If there are problems with the service of the sender or driver, you can report them. After investigation, these users may be denied the service of TIWU.
How do I report a sender/driver?
To report a sender/driver, there must be a business connection between you and the sender/driver. If this exists, you can go to his profile via the mobile application by clicking on his name. You can report the user under the options on his profile. A reason and a description are required for the report. Otherwise, you can also enter Contact TIWU.
Do I have working hours or a supervisor?
There is no driver's supervisor or working hours. The driver decides for himself when he wants to drive. However, if a driver is inactive for more than 3 months, the driver loses his function as a driver and can still use TIWU as a sender. To become a driver, he would have to register as a driver again. The driver can contact TIWU if he/she has a justified loss and would therefore be inactive for more than 3 months, e.g. due to holidays, illness, ...
I have moved and would like to drive in another country
In this case, you as a driver would have to contact TIWU. Send an e-mail to and describe your request. Further information must be provided in this e-mail: New home address, city, country, front and back of your identity card or passport, IBAN and bank name and phone number. However, a new registration with a new e-mail address would be the faster process.
What is the best way to contact TIWU?
About the Contact form or directly by e-mail at
What is the best time to contact TIWU?
The TIWU tries to provide customer service 24 hours in 7 days. It could well happen that TIWU is not available for a few hours.
What does TIWU actually mean?
TIWU is the combination of the sentence in English "(T)ake (i)t (w)ith yo(u)"
What are the payment methods?
Currently only credit cards are supported as a payment option. Further information can be found under "Support.
In what countries can I send/drive?
You can send in all countries which are supported by TIWU supported. Sending beyond a national border, however, is not possible. The countries supported by TIWU are listed under "Support". As a driver you can only drive for one country. The country you are allowed to drive to is the country where you have registered (which was specified during registration)..
Is registration possible on more than one device?
No, you cannot register on two devices. The reason for this is mainly to ensure the tracking of the shipment. By registering on more than one device, it would not be possible to determine the location of the main device, as it is not possible to decide which is the main device. By logging on to another device, one is automatically logged off on all devices already logged on.